Good news, everyone! We're launching! This is a very early version of the site, so things can (and will) go wrong.
Did you know that EXPM is not only good for Elixir but for all other BEAM-based languages such as Erlang, Joxa and LFE?
These are no ordinary packages!
active | Active development for Erlang: rebuild and reload source/binary files while the VM is running |
algorithms | Collection of algorithms for your Elixirs |
amnesia | Wrapper for mnesia |
amnesic | The forgetful cache. Cache mediated access to CouchBase in Elixir/Erlang |
amqp | AMQP utilities for Elixir |
amrita | A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir |
apprentice | Watches files and runs tests(eventually arbitrary code) when those files are modified |
bogan_ipsum | Aussie slang generator |
cage | Rack-inspired HTTP stack handling library for Elixir |
chronos | An Elixir library for working with date times |
con_cache | ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support |
couchie | An Elixir library for accessing Couchbase 2.0 |
cowboy | Small, fast, modular HTTP server |
decimex | Wrapper for erlang-decimal |
dialyxir | Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects. |
discount | Discount.ex - Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser |
dispcount | Erlang task dispatcher based on ETS counters |
docs_ghpages | Mix task for publishing documentation with github pages. |
eflow | Flow machines |
eidetic | alternate mnesia interface for elixir |
eisatty | isatty(STDOUT) for Erlang |
elixir | Elixir is a functional meta-programming aware language built on top of the Erlang VM |
elixir_csv | A simple CSV parser. |
erlcloud | Cloud Computing library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, ELB) |
erldn | edn parser for the erlang platform |
erlfsmon | Erlang filesystem event watcher for Linux and OSX |
erlfu | Futures/promises for Erlang implemented as garbage collected processes |
erlgit | Convenience wrapper around git executable |
erlpass | A library to handle password hashing and changing in a safe manner, independent from any kind of storage whatsoever. |
erlsemver | Semantic Versioning parsing library |
erlsh | Erlang shell tools |
esession | HTTP session management |
ewebmachine | EWebmachine is an Elixir Wrapper around basho webmachine |
exactor | Helpers for easier implementation of actors in Elixir |
exconfig | Elixir configuration library |
excoveralls | for Elixir |
exdbi | Elixir Database Interface |
exdbi_pgsql | Elixir Database Interface for PostgreSQL |
exerl | Elixir macro to alias Elixir module names in Erlang |
exfirebase | Firebase REST API library for Elixir |
exlager | Elixir wrapper over basho/lager |
exlydtl | Mix task to precompile erlydtl templates |
exmig | Elixir DSL for migrations |
exmsgpack | MessagePack for Elixir |
exn | Elixir Notation |
expm | Elixir package manager |
exprintf | A printf / sprintf library for Elixir |
exprof | A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof |
exrecord | A tiny library to facilitate record upgrades in Elixir |
exredis | Redis client for Elixir |
exreloader | Automatic module reloader |
exrtm | An elixir library for remember the milk API |
exvcr | Record and replay HTTP interactions library for elixir |
finalizer | Define a GC finalizer |
flaky | A decentralized, k-ordered id generation service in Elixir (based on Flake) |
fun_chain | Function chaining in Erlang |
gcproc | Garbage collected processes |
genx | Elixir-style library for most important OTP functionality |
gist_fetcher | an extremely basic gist fetcher |
graphviz | Generate GraphViz diagrams |
hackney | Simple HTTP client in Erlang |
hex | A simple module for encoding and decoding Hex strings in Elixir. |
httpotion | Fancy HTTP client for Elixir |
ifstring | Erlang string predicates |
json | Native Elixir library for JSON encoding and decoding |
jsonex | Wrapper for jsx |
jsx | an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json |
lagerex | Lightweight Lager 'binding' |
lambda | Syntactic sugar for defining lambda functions with explicit scope |
managed_process | Garbage collected processes |
mimetypes | Erlang MIME types library |
monad | Haskell style monads and do-syntax |
money | Library for working with monetary amounts and currencies |
nested | functions for manipulating hierarchies of structures in Elixir |
oauthex | Wrapper for erlang-oauth |
ossp_uuid | NIF-based ossp-uuid binding |
poolboy | A hunky Erlang worker pool factory |
proj4erl | PROJ.4 bidings for Erlang using NIFs |
properex | PropEr support for Elixir |
proto_ws | Websockets protocol parsers. Library for building WebSocket servers and clients |
ranch | Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols |
random | Elixir port of Python 3 random module. |
redis | Eredis wrapper |
relex | Release assembler |
riak_pool | Provides pooled Riak connections, with auto-reconnect |
ropex | Rope in elixir providing faster index based operations then binaries. |
socket | Elixir socket wrapping library. |
somlos | DSL for application upgrades |
tau | The mathematical constant tau |
tavern | Somewhat RESTfull extension for cowboy without support of hypermedia |
validatex | Validatex is a simple Elixir library for validating (input) data |
verbal_expressions | Express Regular Expressions more verbally. |
webdriver | Elixir WebDriver library |
workex | Control over message receiving and processing in elixir workers |
xonad | (Functionless) Monad-style macros for Elixir |
订阅 substack 体验古早写作:
Zoom.Quiet’s Chaos42 | Substack
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